Lots of people have misconceptions about carpet cleaning that we thought we would take the time to clear up. We bring many years of experience in residential and commercial carpet cleaning, so we know a thing or two about what’s true and what’s not. Today we’ll debunk the top myths of carpet cleaning as well as the facts.
Myth: Cleaning my carpets makes them get dirty faster.
Fact: The above statement is only true if you didn’t hire a professional for the job. DIY carpet cleaning jobs are often done incorrectly, which means you’ll see dirt accumulation sooner. That’s because DIY methods are sub-par and often leave behind sticky residue and soil. But hiring a professional carpet cleaner in Metro Detroit ensures a longer lasting clean because they use proven methods and quality cleaners to get the job done right.
Myth: Steam cleaning causes mold or mildew to grow.
Fact: Again, if you clean your rugs yourself and don’t allow enough drying time, this could be true. However, when you hire 1st Class Carpet and Upholstery, our machines dry out your carpets after cleaning within six to eight hours. Letting your carpets dry on their own after a DIY job can take a couple of days. Consider that mold can start growing in damp carpets within 48 hours!
Myth: Vacuuming too much will damage the carpet
Fact: Today’s carpets are built to withstand a lot of vacuuming and daily traffic. That said, some vacuums are too aggressive for everyday use, causing wear and damage over time. Before investing in a vacuum, do your homework and read reviews. Most households can get away with once-a-week vacuuming unless there are high-traffic areas or pets in the house. In those cases, you may need to vacuum daily.
Myth: Baking soda can remove odors from my carpet.
Fact: Baking soda is only good at absorbing and masking odors but doesn’t remove the source. Plus, it’s challenging to vacuum and clean all the left-over powder, which will eventually cause friction and wear that can then result in permanent carpet damage. All that effort, and the odors will likely come back anyway! For long-lasting results that get rid of the source of the smell, enlist our help for pet stain and odor removal services in Redford MI.
Myth: Carpets cause allergies.
Fact: While it’s true that dust, dander, and dirt will settle into your carpet and stay there, neglected maintenance is usually the real culprit. The key is regular upkeep and maintenance. Most times, vacuuming and yearly carpet cleaning is enough to keep your carpets clean and allergens managed. Many people with allergies or asthma assume they have to rip out their carpets to feel relief from their symptoms, but this is overkill and won’t solve the problem. That’s because it doesn’t eliminate the amount of soil, dust, and dander that’s getting into the home. All of that has got to go somewhere, right? If there’s no carpet, the dust will settle on the floors, beds, walls, and even in the air.
Myth: My carpets are relatively new so they don’t need to be cleaned.
Fact: Even if your carpet is just a few years old, this is plenty of time for it to accumulate dirt deep down into the fibers. It may look like new but it’s not. By definition, carpet is designed to keep dirt and soil hidden. But by the time you see the dirt and stains, the damage has been done. Stay ahead of this by having your carpets cleaned at least once a year.
Also, don’t forget about your carpet’s warranty, which typically states the carpet must be cleaned between once a year and every 18 months. Failing to get it professionally cleaned at this frequency can result in a void of your warranty.
Get a Quote From 1st Class Carpet Cleaning & Restoration Services
Now that we have busted these common myths about carpet cleaning, it’s time to schedule a cleaning with us. To get your free estimate on carpet cleaning in Michigan, call us today at (248) 491-3088.